Incendi Novatek, Sant Quirze, SM Savall


Fire in an industrial unit used to make printed circuit boards. Demolishing and rebuilding the roof containing asbestos, outdoor vertical surfaces, false ceiling and flooring. Repairing damaged trusses. Cleaning and decontaminating damaged production equipment, air ducts and stock. Cleaning and decontaminating vertical and horizontal surfaces and metal frame components such as purlins and trusses. Removing false ceiling. Removal and subsequent fitting of electrical, water and HVAC systems. Replacing flues and vents. Emptying underground tank and removing solidified liquid from the existing pit. Painting metal structural components and vertical and horizontal surfaces.


Client: Novatek Circuits Impressos, S.L.
Location: Sant Quirze del Vallès
Surface Area: 550 m²
Completed: November 2020 – February 2021
Affectation type: Partial